Sunday, October 4, 2009

Peez Me

Connor is turning 2 in a week. We usually see him once a week and we cannot believe how fast he is growing and learning. He has recently learned to say excuse me, although it sounds a little more like peez me. Connor says it after a burp or when you are in his way. While in Florida, the McHenry's were walking through a group of flamingos and of course Connor said peez me to the flamingos. I doubt the flamingos moved out of his way, but how cute. Things like this just make your heart melt.

This kid could be a model!


Anonymous said...

he could be in an instructional video on the proper way to eat apples for sure!

Anonymous said...

Adorable!!! And so polite. I love it. R&L, you are doing a great job!!


Anonymous said...

Happy 2nd Birthday to Connor. Looks like he had a great time apple picking. There is nothing more precious than seeing a child smile.

Mom and Mike

Anonymous said...

Connor gave me his unforced hug yesterday. I was very happy.
