Sunday, November 22, 2009

There is Something About Mary

Our plant, we will call it Mary, short for Marriott. Neal bought me this plant after we were living in the hotel for a couple of days after the fire. I needed a pick me up. He tried to buy me flowers, but realized we no longer had a vase. I laughed and said we would kill it, like we do with every other indoor plant. Much to my surprise, Mary is thriving. I did not even want to take Mary to our rental home, but I am glad we did. It reminds me how great Neal and I balance each other out. When I need him he is there and when he needs me I am there. You cannot ask for much more than that our of a marriage. Thanks Mary for reminding me what is important.

We will see if Mary survives the transplant to a bigger pot back home! Less than a month, supposedly!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that damn plant!