Monday, July 12, 2010


The babies and I made our first trip to Cosi last week with Ryan, Les and C. They really liked it especially the water table. My kids like to splash so much I was actually getting some dirty looks from other moms. Oh no, are Gwen and Grady going to be those kids on the play ground? I thought they were doing exactly what kids are supposed to do at a water table. Connor had a great time. Soon enough he will be calling out for Gwen and Grady to follow him so he can show them the ropes.

Not sure you can see from this picture, but they were the only kids at the table that had water dripping all the way down their toes! Luckily I brought a change of clothes.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about those other less splashy kids. Their parents are uptight losers.

Jen said...

Just wait until they are big enough to run around in the ocean exhibit! Raegan leaves there SOAKED!

Anonymous said...

I wish they made water tables for adults...looks like fun! And I agree, those other parents are uptight! If you dion't want your kid wet, then don't put them at a water table!
-Amy Lusk