Sunday, December 14, 2008

Thoughts at 3am

I have been reading a lot of blogs and message boards related to twins. I came across one womans blog that addressed the sleepless nights that occur right when you find out you are having twins. I read her thoughts and realized I was not so crazy. These were my exact thoughts. I just had to copy this so one day I could look back to determine if these were even valid concerns.

-Twins?! Two?! Of everything?!
-How do you even pick UP two babies??
-Crying: In stereo
-How will we afford diapers
-How do you nurse two???
-Worse, how do you afford formula for two???
-There's 2! TWO!
-I'm going to be HUGE
-Am I even equipped for this?
-Will we ever sleep again?
-How can I fit two humans in my belly?
-Oh, I can't wait to kiss two sets of soft little sweet newborn lips!
-I need two carseats, how are they going to fit in the car? Maybe we should have bought a minivan
-Do I have the patience in me for this?
-Can I do this?
-Our family identity will forever be changed. We will now be "The Kothes, they have twins."
-I feel so overwhelmed
-I feel so blessed
-How will I ever have the stamina and energy to be a mommy to twin newborns AND be a wife AND hold down a full time job???
-Poor Neal
-I'm going to be HUGE
-We are so lucky, we have wanted this for so long
-Twins. Twins! Twins! :)

I think those that saw us a couple of weeks after finding out about the twins could see it in our faces. A complete deer in headlights look. Now, I cannot wait to meet the babies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are going to get thru this...just remember that it is hard going thru something for the first time. You will look back and remember this preggers time as one of the best times in your life.

You will continue to have the same panic and confusion as you watch your kids grow up. Your love for them will guide you down the right path. Sometimes you just have to trust in that.