Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boy/Girl, Boy/Boy, Girl/Girl

I am talking about the babies. I am anxious to find out. I have had one dream they are both girls and one dream there is at least one boy. Neal and I have always referred to them as boys. We talked to the ultrasound tech and she said that is more common. We figured it is like a car.....everyone names their car a female name and calls their car my girl. Perhaps unborn babies are just male. Some women say they just know what they are carrying. I have no clue, but I do feel pressure. Pressure to make sure everyone gets what they want, although I really have no control over it. I know people always say this, I just hope they are healthy and stay cooking inside of me for as long as they need. I also hope they love each other and are there for each other like I am with my sister.


Anonymous said...

Trust me, those kids will be there for one another. They have us as role models!!!

Plus, the other twins I am an aunt to can hardly be in a room together without being next to one another or looking to find the other one. The twin bond is a very strong one!

McCauley's Blog said...
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McCauley's Blog said...

The one on the left has Neal's butt crack