Sunday, October 18, 2009

Flat Head

I deserve a paycheck for this blog. If I had just known this prior to giving birth to my babies, I would have saved myself from a lot of mommy guilt. Grady, prefers looking to the right. We are not quite sure why, could be the way he was in the womb, could be the fact that he slept 3 weeks in a pack and play, who knows. What I do know is that looking to the right has led to a flat head. Apparently this is fairly common in newborns now that it is reccomended that babies sleep on their backs. Well, I wish I had know this sooner. By the time we realized it, it was very difficult to correct. Grady is just now starting to look both ways. Someone made a comment to me this weekend that Grady is always looking for mom. My honest response wanted to be, "yeah he is always looking for his mom as long as she is to his right". So ladies, try to be observant about your baby looking and especially sleeping with their heads in both directions. It will save you the stress I have had researching flat heads.

Only a mother can really see this on a daily basis. Just trust me, having to constantly make him look left is not easy. After much research, it seems as though this will correctly slowly over time with repositioning. Let's just hope he grows a full head of hair. Perhaps this would be a good time for me to start my baby wig business.


Anonymous said...

Cameron lost half his head of hair and looked just like this too as a baby but his hair loss wasn't even on the side of his head he normally slept on. It was pretty weird! It will grow back, no worries! :)

Marsha Mc

Anonymous said...

I love that little monkey man, flat head and all!

Can't wait to see them tomorrow!!!!