Wednesday, November 4, 2009

4 Month Well Baby Appointment

The babies are doing great. This appointment was much better than the last and I am hoping to stay with the new doctor. Two shots and rolls were reversed. Last time Grady screamed like crazy, this time Gwen did. It seems as though the first one to get the shots screams the worst. We will see if this holds true next time. I really like the practice, they are not pill pushers. They do not really want to see you unless something is really wrong and your kid is not acting normal. We will be starting rice cereal in a couple of weeks. That will be our first chance to take some entertaining video. Gwen has eczema on her face and her legs mostly. It is not real bad, but we will probably treat it during the winter since your skin tends to be more dry. Without further ado, here are the stats:

Weight 13 pounds 3 ounces 25-50%
Height 24.25" 25%
Head 15.25" 5%

Weight 14 pounds 14 ounces 25-50%
Height 25.25" 50%
Head 16.75" 50%

So in summary, Grady might not be a midget, Gwen will be. Grady has a huge brain, Gwen has a large brain shoved into a small head. They both have a chance of not inheriting moms thunder thighs, although things are not looking that good right now, their legs have quite a few rolls.

We did get some other news at the doctors. The babies have been diagnosed as Buckeye Fans!

Leslie bought the babies these shirts from the Circlehell Pumkin Show. I guess something good came out of that!

Les and Connor came over tonight with dinner. What did we learn....a two year old singing the wheels on the bus can entertain 2 four month olds and 2 thirty year old women for 30 minutes. I am pretty sure C could be babysitting the twins.

Grady admiring Connor's height!

On a more serious note, dad is still out of town doing important work things. He sent me a picture message updating us.

Looks like he is working real hard!


Anonymous said...

We love them; we love them. Looks like daddy is having a good time and is well rested.

Love you all,

Mom and Mike

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have hung out with you girls! Connor is getting so big, I can't even believe it. He looks huge next to the GMan. Glad to hear that all had fun.

You are spoiling me with these daily updates. I love getting to see a new picture each day.

Tell the kids I love and miss them. Oh and sniff their heads for me.

Aunt Stacy

PS: do you have swim lessons this sat?

Anonymous said...

was there ever any doubt they would be buckeye fans we won t teach them to show us how tall they are ( remember so tall ) we will teach them to do o h i o....two beautiful babies born to two beautiful parents..

love dad.......